Ms. Kristi Zee
Growing up as a Bay Area native, Ms. Zee knew early on as a young child that she had an insatiable love for learning and working with youth. Graduating from the University of California, Los Angeles, Ms. Zee pursued a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology. After completing her degree, she continued her studies and obtained her Multiple Subject Teaching Credential at Cal State East Bay. Equipped and armed with passion and technique, Ms. Zee joined the private school sector and started teaching in 2009. Gaining invaluable experience working with students in the private sector, Ms. Zee had the opportunity to teach 4th grade for a number of years. Creating curriculum and implementing best practices was the center of her instruction.
Currently, Ms. Zee is proud to have joined the public school system, working for Newark Unified School District. Teaching 3rd and 4th grade, Ms. Zee thoroughly enjoys showing students the power of learning. Trained in Common Core teaching practices, Ms. Zee loves to find creative strategies in helping her students take ownership of their reading and writing process. She believes in helping students discover the importance of critical thinking.
When Ms. Zee is not running around with her elementary students, she enjoys trying new recipes in the kitchen and traveling on new adventures around the world with her husband. Ms. Zee is thrilled to be joining the teaching faculty at Mill Creek Academy as she eagerly awaits diving into spirited conversations about literature with the young students at the Academy.