Ms. Narisa Svetvilas
Originally from Upstate New York, Ms. Svetvilas attended Hamilton College where she pursued a Bachelors in Arts in Psychology. Upon graduation, she began working at Metis Associates, an education consulting firm in New York City where she primarily worked with the Annie E. Casey Foundation to support the New Futures Initiatives project focusing on middle-school reform. During this time, she conducted evaluation research and helped run focus groups working with students and educators. Through this experience, she was inspired to return to her love of psychology by pursuing her Master of Education in Psychological Counseling at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Finding that she enjoyed helping students explore careers while discovering their best fit, she joined The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art as a career counselor. There, she worked closely with students to navigate internships and jobs in the art, architecture, and engineering world. Eventually, her experiences led her to work for New York University where she focused her time in supporting students in career development, facilitating workshops, and preparing students for the job search process. Realizing the most rewarding part of her job was working with students individually, it was no surprise that her own career journey transitioned her into the role as a school counselor.
Currently, she is a school counselor at Union High School in New Jersey where she has the privilege of helping students discover their identities, assist with the college search process, and articulate their post-graduation goals. She is well-versed in the college application process and is excited to join the Mill Creek College Essay Team where she can’t wait to help more students meet their best potential.
In her free time, you can find her spending time with her daughters, going on a run, stretching in a yoga studio, or planning her next family trip.